About us

INKAMAZON invites you to participate, share and promote the fundamental principles of good nutrition, balance and well-being of the body, creating awareness for the sustainable and responsible consumption of natural resources and organic foods from South America.

We will promote an effective commercial integration based on ethical, social and professional values ​​that allow us to differentiate ourselves and compete in a globalized world of industrialized food, highlighting the qualities of our raw materials and products, respecting the Farmer and the Biodiversity of their lands, as well as its impact on the well-being and health of consumers.
In Peru and neighboring countries we have extensive and varied arable soils, as well as the purest and oldest freshwater tributaries. We are a region that provides healthy and organic food and supplies to large countries and developed economies of the world.

Our agribusiness is advancing and evolving, with improvements in the quality of final products, processes and forms of transport around the world.

Now with greater added value, our industry in food and other natural products is prosperous and competitive and has become a fundamental pillar of the food security of our peoples, taking firm and successful steps towards the sustainable development of the largest world economies. generating well-being from the small organized producer to the final consumer.

We are going to channel all these forces of Capital and the Market, creating new sectors in the economy where businesses are positive instruments for change because we believe in the common benefit, being a company for the world, offering better products where we all enjoy more opportunities. economic. This is the essence and synergy of INKAMAZON.

About us